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International Shipping
Reducing carbon emissions is something else shipowners can do!
Date:2024-07-24 Readers:
Green development is a common objective and a major goal of global economic development, and the concept of green shipping is receiving more and more attention in order to ensure sustainable economic development and reduced energy consumption. As far as green shipping is concerned, the decarbonisation of the shipping industry is now a clear industry goal for all parties in the industry.

With 90% of the world's trade activities being carried out by the shipping industry, IMO data shows that the global shipping industry emits more than 1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide and methane annually, which is close to 3% of the world's total anthropogenic carbon emissions. If not controlled in a timely manner, global carbon emissions from ships are expected to soar by 150 to 250 per cent in 2050, increasing their share of global carbon emissions to 18 per cent.

The IMO's current carbon reduction vision is to reduce total carbon emissions by 20 per cent by 2030, 70 per cent by 40 years, and then zero carbon emissions by around 2050. We are now in the middle of the action, IMO uses CII, EEXI, EEDI indexes to regulate the operation and construction of ships, to measure and monitor the carbon emissions of new and existing ships. These are in fact for the future to have a unified carbon emission measurement and charging mechanism, and then control the carbon emission of the whole industry. Nowadays, more and more ammonia-powered vessels, methanol-powered vessels, LNG-powered vessels and so on have been put into operation, and the use of these new energy vessels is also aimed at reducing carbon emissions.

Li Hong, Senior Fleet Manager
In order to achieve the goal of green shipping, ship managers are also considering more feasible options. In a recent interview with Maritime Services Network, senior fleet manager Li Hong, Sr. Rail said, "Nowadays, in the green shipping market, a lot of clean energy has been introduced, as well as new technologies such as energy-saving devices. Liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied natural gas, methanol fuel, ammonia fuel, these new clean energy, used in the existing operation of the ship is more difficult. In addition, there are energy-saving devices, such as sails, air lubrication systems, including batteries, solar energy, these technologies can only be used on our existing ships to carry out simple modifications, but for some ships using fossil fuels, it is unlikely to be possible to change the nature of the fuel, and even if it is possible to do so, the cost of doing so is particularly high. In terms of the management of existing ships, taking into account the cost-effectiveness, it is possible to add deflector shrouds, vortex elimination fins, and the modification of the bow bulbous bows of the ship is achievable. In terms of management, we are also concerned about anti-fouling paints for ships, which are immediately effective and the least costly measure. For the management of existing ships, we must pay attention to the daily maintenance of the equipment, so that the equipment is always kept in good operating condition. Ships can not be empty empty, from the current environmental regulations of the energy efficiency indicators, as well as carbon intensity indicators, empty is tantamount to dry burning fuel, which will not meet the standards, subject to the restrictions of the regulations, the ship will face the risk of stopping and rectification. Once the ship stops, the loss is huge. In addition, shipowners, brokers, and charterers, they not only consider the issue of cargo, but also consider the issue of fuel prices. The operators of shipowners and charterers, when they design the voyage, they will consider these factors in general to maximise the benefits of the voyage. In addition, ships are carriers that lead to the invasion of marine organisms. At present, many countries, such as New Zealand and Australia, have very strict control over the risk of fouling the bottom of ships. If our ships enter the sea area of Australia and New Zealand, they may be refused to enter the harbour once they have fouled the bottom, and sometimes they may have to face high fines. Moreover, the cost of cleaning in the local area is different from that in China, and the loss of sailing suspension due to fouled bottom is also very big. Therefore, the fouling of ships is one of our main concerns. Choosing cost-effective anti-fouling paint is the first thing we have to consider. Lastly, not only do we have the risk of fouling the bottom, but we also have an anti-marine biology system on board, called the MGPS system, and a ballast water treatment system, which are effective equipment for preventing the growth of marine organisms and biological invasions. As our ship management and crew, it is our most fundamental task to work together to keep the equipment in the best working condition."

The problem of fouling the bottom of the ship mentioned by Li Hong, a veteran railer, is one that is often encountered in ship management. Li Hong added: "Once the ship is fouled, the roughness of the hull is greatly increased, which will seriously affect the speed of the ship and increase the fuel consumption of the main engine. In recent years, some ports have been particularly serious in terms of port pressure. We all know that ships must rub against the water in the sailing state in order to wash away the bacterial risk of sea creatures, and once the ship stops sailing, the risk will become greater and greater. Once a fouled bottom occurs, the ship may not be able to run at all. When this happens, the cost of operation will increase. So we try to predict, detect and clean up as early as possible through some technical means. We try to go into the dock once every five years to make the anti-fouling paint better, so as to minimise the generation of fouled bottom. When the risk of fouled bottom is controlled, the cost will be reduced later."

In terms of ship operations, the more significant impacts now are the EEDI for newbuildings, the EXI for existing ships, and the Carbon Strength Index (CSI), which is passed annually during operations. In terms of reducing carbon emissions, improving the resistance of the ship in the water during operation, especially doing regular hull cleaning and doing a good ship coating, this is actually the most convenient and relatively small cost.

A research report of GCMD in 2023 listed a survey on many ship owners, and it can be seen that in this survey, HULL COATING, this hull coating technology has been recognised by the most ship owners, and more than 80% of them are willing to do upgrading on marine coatings.

Good marine coatings can not only reduce carbon emissions, but also help ship owners to reduce operating costs. COSCO Jotun, as an important coating supplier within the shipping industry, has always been at the forefront of green transformation. Since it first set foot in the industry in 1926, Jotun has been developing anti-pollution solutions to meet the shipping industry's need for cleanliness. Based on its strengths in field products, COSCO Jotun has developed three solutions, HPS, HIS and HULLKEEPER, all of which are designed to ensure that shipowners reduce speed loss and then save fuel, further reducing carbon emissions.

Lightning Gao, Marketing Manager, COSCO Jotun
Gao Gao, Marketing Manager of COSCO Jotun, explains: "The HPS technology has been leading for more than 20 years, and then this year we also have some new products, such as silicone products, which have been added to the HPS solution. The concept of HPS is that the hull performance tends to deteriorate when the ship is in operation, and through our high-end products and good construction, we can reduce the deterioration of the hull performance. Compared to the average market degradation, the hull performance is actually a process of improvement, and then through the improvement of hull performance, we can reduce the fuel and also reduce the emission. Currently, there are more than 3,000 ships using HPS worldwide. All the mainstream customers in the global shipping industry have basically used HPS solutions. We put forward ISO 19030, or we put forward the HPS solution, not only to sell paint to the ship owner, but also to provide a whole set of services, including on-site services and analysis services, so that the ship owner will know what has happened in a docking interval of three years or five years after the paint has been delivered to the ship. The purpose of ISO 19030 is to remove the hull performance from the chaos of influencing factors and to study the effect of hull performance on fuel oil separately. We see ISO 19030, in fact, as giving shipowners a more transparent way to monitor real-time hull changes on an annual basis."

"In addition to this method, we also have an anti-corrosion paint with methacrylate silane technology called Sea Quantum X200, which is applied on more than 3,000 vessels. It has an average speed loss due to hull decay of just 1 per cent over 60 months, with the market average being almost 5 to 6 per cent. Our national shipbuilding completions last year were 43.32 million deadweight tonnes (DWT). Of the national shipbuilding completions, 8.88 million tonnes, or 20.5% of the national shipbuilding completions, were completed with Sea Quantum X200, reflecting the recognition of Sea Quantum X200 products by all shipowners who build ships in China," said Gao Gao, Manager of Gao Gao. Mr Gao said.

Manager Gao Gao also introduced, "In addition to coatings, we are now considering some technologies other than coatings, such as big data technology, and we have developed the Hull Keeper Hull Intelligent Monitoring System. This system actually integrates our various databases through algorithms, including ship operation parameters, such as AIS, stopping position, and stopping time, as well as our existing database of anti-fouling paint packages, etc. Using these databases, after a series of algorithms, we are now considering some technologies other than paint. Using these databases and a series of algorithms, we can provide users with a series of predictable information. Then we also go through the underwater ROV inspection to verify whether the information is accurate. We combine these survey services with big data services for monitoring and early warning, and together with our nearly 100 years of experience in anti-fouling, we can provide shipowners with some anti-fouling advice. We have integrated these modules together, and this is the Hull Intelligent Monitoring System, which consists of four modules: monitoring, early warning, underwater survey and anti-fouling advice. This system, in fact, helps shipowners to control the changes in hull performance and potential risks of physical damage through big data that cannot be seen underwater. It likewise helps shipowners to maintain a hull that is always clean."

Regarding the future development, Mr Gao said, "Jotun will continue to focus on reducing carbon emissions, protecting biodiversity and controlling the use of toxic raw materials. Most of today's protective paint technology relies on biocides or inhibitors, and Jotun will have to consider the environmental impact of the use of these ingredients in the future. We are also considering the development of more environmentally friendly polished antifouling paints and water-based protective paints. We will further consider the environmental impact within the framework of environmental laws and regulations. In addition, we will reduce the carbon footprint of the production and application of topcoats and primers. As a paint company with a mission to clean shipping, COSCO Jotun will be committed to the business of clean shipping, continue to innovate, and continue to develop products and solutions that ensure a greener and healthier shipping industry."


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