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The strike was extended to the third week, and Finnish ports were paralyzed.
Date:2024-03-26 Readers:
Recently, Finland's major trade unions announced that they would extend the strike after the negotiations with the government were "fruitless", which has put Finland's freight business in trouble. The strike was initiated by the trade union representing the dockers. Since March 11th, 7,000 workers have taken part in the strike. At present, Finland's import and export business has basically come to a standstill. It is reported that the trade union is protesting the proposed revision of the labor law, calling it "ideological".

Jarko Eloranta, president of the Finnish Federation of Trade Unions (SAK), said: "We are disappointed with the revision of the labor law. We hope that workers will receive equal and more humane treatment. " "At present, the government has not agreed to our proposal and still intends to implement many business goals that are unfavorable to employees. Many of them have no impact on employment or the balance of public finances. "

The main dissatisfaction of trade unions is that the government has taken many measures to allow more localization and individual labor contracts. General collective agreements of trade unions have long been part of Scandinavian culture and the provision of employee protection. The government's move will cut social security benefits and prevent sympathy strikes.

In its announcement, the trade association wrote, "We cannot stand idly by while the rules of work and life games established for decades are abolished". He also said that 54% of Finns are in favor of the strike.

They stressed that this was a political strike, not an action against individual workplaces or new contracts. One of the unions won a new collective agreement for the dockers after the strike last year. However, after the strike, the trade association met with the Minister of Labor, Arto Satonen, and reported that the proposal was rejected by the government. And said that if the government expressed understanding of workers' concerns, they were willing to suspend the strike.

The strike started on March 11th, started with the suspension of container business, and was scheduled to end last weekend. But now the trade union says that the strike will be extended at least until April 1st, and it will also extend to port operations and railway transportation.

Target companies include all the freight operations of Viking Shipping Company in Helsinki and Turku. Passenger transport operations were not affected by the strike. They also targeted Neste's storage facilities and oil tankers.

The Central Organization of Finnish Trade Unions reported that the Finnish Industrial Association, the automobile and transport workers' union AKT, the service union PAM, the construction union, the public welfare union JHL and the electric power union all took part in the strike.


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